About Midi

The existence of MIDI or Musical Instrument Digital Interface has helped many musicians to be more creative in developing music. The file types in this midi can be modified and easily communicated, those are making it very flexible in assembling the types of music. Even this Midi can be easily set up via computer, where the computer itself in this era take an important role in technology including in the music world.

In the development of the creation of midi among musicians of course different. For example, a keyboardist formed a midi creation for a Campursari song titled "Jambu Alas", then another keyboardist also creates a midi with the same song title. But the results of midi that formed certainly different based on the creativity of the musician. Number of midi references make musicians can create new music colors so that develop art in the type of music.

Various kinds of midi creations allow musicians to accompany the songs with their own distinctive features and different from others. Midi has a lot of influence in the development of music, one of them in keyboard, where the existence of midi is very important to support the accompaniment of the song from the singer. As we know that many musical instruments are represented by keyboard. Surely this would be more economically advantageous. As a proof of a lot of events in villages that rent a single keyboard as entertainment.

From the description we can conclude that the existence of midi is very helpful in the business world as well as art music.